Aged Industrial Casters...With Brakes!

Aged Industrial Casters

Aged Industrial Casters

Aged Industrial Casters With Brakes

Am excited to have a new industrial caster offering in a very popular size and a great industrial chic style!

These have a 3 1/2" black cast iron wheel with circular cutouts in aged steel forks, creating an overall height of 4 1/2"....a great size for most projects such as an industrial pallet coffee table, side tables, etc.

Another great aspect is that they're available with brakes to keep your table locked into position when needed, a feature I get lots of requests for.

Check them out on my website, along with all my other refurbished antique and vintage industrial casters. Or contact me to find your ideal set.

And be sure to follow Iron Anarchy on Instagram for all the latest antique and vintage industrial caster offerings!

Vintage industrial casters


Vintage Industrial Casters